Monday, July 7

Classmate Catch Up with Creighkett (Gilpin) Smith

Creighkett (Gilpin) Smith
Occupation: Wife, Mother, Corporate Officer, Real Estate
Spouse: Jason Smith
Spouse Occupation:
President, Questech Unlimited
Children: Preston (6) and Jasett (4)
Favorite Hobbies: Family fun time, sitting around the campfire, running, playing soccer, gardening, music, listening to a really good debate and those 'Ah Ha' moments in life.
What would you like to accomplish/do in the next 10 years? Cherish every moment that we have with our children, family and friends because time seems to be gaining momentum as we get older. Finish building our home, visit friends in Russia, be grateful, thankful and enjoy the blessing and gifts that have been bestowed upon us.
Who most inspired you as a teen or young adult? Everyone inspired and shaped my life; the good and the not so good are all part of the choices that I make today and my dear ole' Dad of course. "Luv you, Dad!"
What piece of advice would you give to high school students today? The definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing that you did yesterday, but expecting different results today. Stop the insanity, make a change and do it different!"

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Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"