Friday, July 25

Classmate Catch Up for Dummies

Okay, it's not that I think you're dummies, it was just a really catchy title.

If you haven't submitted anything for the Memory Books yet, you're definitely too late for the published version. However, if you'd still like to submit your info for the blog, I'll be happy to post it for you. Here's what ya gotta do:

1. Answer the following questions: (or as many as you want)
Spouse Occupation:
Favorite Hobbies:
What would you like to accomplish/do in the next ten years?
Who most inspired you as a teen or young adult?
What piece of advice would you give to high school students today?

2. Send me the answers (jenn at jenndoucette dot com).

3. Attach a photo (optional, jpeg preferable).

4. Send me a Starbucks card at the following address . . . .kidding.

And voila! - we're in business.

And now comes something I never thought I'd ever say during the span of my lifetime: See you all tonight at The Snohomish Buzz Inn - it's going to be great!

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Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"