Wednesday, May 14

An SHS Nod to The Mullet

I've gotten requests and am downright giddy about it. Kevin Phillips would like to walk down the memory lane of MULLETS. And I, for one, would like to join him. So here's the official call-out for mullet photos. Come on, former mullet men. You know who you are. Better still, WE know who you are: Erin Belmore, Brian Gardoski, Eddie Ford, Mike Johnson, Chris Harper, Herbie Holten, Scot Hood (gee, there seems to be a lot of soccer players on this list . . . .), Jason LaVelle, Mitch Ledbetter, James Loesch, Jim Nixon, Rob Parkhurst, Donny Schoenfelder, Shawn Smith, Jay Vanassche . . . . the list is long and distinguished. And hardly complete, so even if you've not been mentioned, we'd love to share in your post-mullet reflections.

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Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"