Wednesday, May 28

Riverview Kindergarten Class - 1976

Mrs. Meiers Kindergarten class was submitted by Kerry Van Duren (she's the cutie in the 2nd row with the glasses). Besides the lovely plethora of plaid pants, the bells hanging from the sheet are my favorite part of this bicentennial beauty. We've identified a few grads (Sarah Bohlke, Tara Porembski, Kyriacos Tsircou, Jane Atherton), do you recognize anyone else? Although this was at Riverview, there were several Cathcart kiddos carted across town this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This class was formed by moving several kids from different schools to Riverview. I got transferred from Central to be in the class.

Top row, 7th from the left is Brooke Olsen.
2nd row from left - Don't know, Creighkett Gilpen, Paul West (me).

That's all I can figure out for now.


Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"