Wednesday, May 7

Mrs. Raney's 5th Grade Class - 1981

Who needs a Where's Waldo book when you've got our cool blog? Here's Mrs. Raney's 5th grade class (Cathcart, circa 1981). Interestingly enough, Mrs. Raney is my daughter's 3rd grade teacher this year. Okay, see if you can find:
Wendy Walker, Mike Carpenter, Tammy Parker, and Tim Wegner (hint: nice glasses). Here's a helpful tip: click on the image to open a screen size version of the picture. Makes it a lot easier to find Waldo--er, I mean Tim.
I've got me a bee in my bonnet and plan to scan and post some SHS dance pictures soon. I know what you're thinking: teal and hot pink. Yep. It's time to unveil the bangs and many accessories of the 80's. Admit it - you can't wait.

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Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"