Thursday, May 29

We've Got Mullets Yes We Do, We've Got Mullets, How 'Bout You?

We've been getting more photos scanned and sent in (thank you!). More importantly, we've got MULLET pictures. Look carefully at this photo sent in by Kelley (Ginty) Lyday of the Senior Class Picnic. We've got Shawn Jellison, Scott Williams, Marc Wislen, Shanon Ford, Mark Cavelero, David Grove, (I think) Eric Scott. And . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mike Johnson - ta da! Oh ya. I think even Billy Ray would be proud.

Wednesday, May 28

Riverview Kindergarten Class - 1976

Mrs. Meiers Kindergarten class was submitted by Kerry Van Duren (she's the cutie in the 2nd row with the glasses). Besides the lovely plethora of plaid pants, the bells hanging from the sheet are my favorite part of this bicentennial beauty. We've identified a few grads (Sarah Bohlke, Tara Porembski, Kyriacos Tsircou, Jane Atherton), do you recognize anyone else? Although this was at Riverview, there were several Cathcart kiddos carted across town this year.

Sunday, May 25

Tripping Down Memory Lane

Husband Ben and I finally wrestled my box 'o memories out from the shed today. All I can say is that I'm a genuine, bonified, packrat. I sit here surrounded by a pile of "treasures" like:

1. My driver's permit
2. Several Junior High yearbooks
3. A rock from Camp Wascowitz
4. A note dated June 12, 1980 that reads:
"Morgan G. Springer will kiss Jennifer Egge on the last day of school. Signed, Morgan S."
5. Every A.S.B. card ever issued in my name
6. My Outside Reading List for Sophomore Honors English (No kidding. Ahem.)

If you are a fellow packrat and can finagle someone into helping you lug your childhood memories back into the light of day, I'd love to hear what you've been holding onto. If you're like me, that could be your wisdom teeth, a 3rd place ribbon from the Cathcard Elementary School Broad Jump Competition in 1979, a Holly Hobby watch from 1977, a Sonics World Champs button from 1979 . . . .

Friday, May 23

Reunion Committee Meeting - May 29th

Our next (almost the last one!) committee meeting will be:
Thursday, May 29th, 7:00pm, El Paraiso Mexican Grill
1431 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290
We'll be updating, delegating, and chowing down on chips.
Anyone is welcome to join us. Sombrero not required.

Pictures Please, People

I know. You're busy. The thought of digging through musty old boxes and piles of papers for pictures just really isn't all that appealing. However, think how sad you'll be at the reunion, when we announce the power point presentation and YOUR PHOTOS aren't included. It's a frightening thought, is it not?

We have had some early participation. Special A+ stars go to:

Danielle Moore and Kristy Thomas . . . . . .

Jay Schwartzmiller and Kyriacous Tsircou . . . .

Kevin Phillips, Alan Davis, Shanon Ford . . . .

Oh, wait -- that's right, I submitted that last photo. Heh . . heh . . . I've got more where that came from, and I'm not afraid to use 'em.

Ante up, people. We're down to the last couple months and we need your pictures. Otherwise, we'll just have to use mine!

Monday, May 19

Cast Your Vote! May 20th

Snohomish Citizens - it's time to cast your vote. Snohomish Schools/teachers/students need our help. Overcrowding, worn out buildings (Riverview is 42 years old, Machias is 38 years old), and much-needed renovation is at stake. For more information, be sure to check out the Snohomish School District website.

The ballot reads as such:

School Renovation and Construction Bonds.
"This proposition would authorize the District to complete Snohomish High School renovation, renovate and expand Valley View Middle School, expand Centennial Middle School, construct new elementary schools to replace Machias and Riverview, construct aquatic center, make District-wide capital improvements and acquire classroom technology to improve student learning; issue no more than $261,587,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within 20 years; and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds, all as provided in Resolution No. 05-08.

Snohomish has a strong tradition of excellence, loyalty, and support. For those of you who are residents, I urge you to go out and vote tomorrow.

Thanks (okay, I'll step of my soapbox for now . . . .).

Wednesday, May 14

Evolution of Dance(s)

While we eagerly await those mullet pics, we'll peruse some of the Snohomish Dance poses. Here's me, Lisa Haakenstad, Lisa Jenney, and Aurora Carpio from the 9th grade Valley View Dance.

Here's me and Cascade beau, Troy, at the Sophomore Tolo. Yes, we matched. And yes, I was nervous.

Finally, the Senior Ball, with enough lace and big bangs to even make Madonna proud.

*click to enlarge image, so you can really enjoy this one.

An SHS Nod to The Mullet

I've gotten requests and am downright giddy about it. Kevin Phillips would like to walk down the memory lane of MULLETS. And I, for one, would like to join him. So here's the official call-out for mullet photos. Come on, former mullet men. You know who you are. Better still, WE know who you are: Erin Belmore, Brian Gardoski, Eddie Ford, Mike Johnson, Chris Harper, Herbie Holten, Scot Hood (gee, there seems to be a lot of soccer players on this list . . . .), Jason LaVelle, Mitch Ledbetter, James Loesch, Jim Nixon, Rob Parkhurst, Donny Schoenfelder, Shawn Smith, Jay Vanassche . . . . the list is long and distinguished. And hardly complete, so even if you've not been mentioned, we'd love to share in your post-mullet reflections.

Tuesday, May 13

Dance Dance Revolution

I promised you teal. And now I have delivered. With a teal background no less.

Mahalo (that's "thank you" in Hawaiian) to Danielle (Moore) Erickson for this gem from 1987.

We're just getting started, baby . . . . more dance pictures to come.

Other photo categories I'll be covering are sports teams (especially junior high/elementary years), graduation, and Homecoming. Send me yer stuff.

Most School Spirit - Part Deux

Okay, we're in another race for Most School Spirit on KIRO against Skyline. Check out the link and vote on the left hand side. SHS already won round one and is now trying to get into the sweet 16. (No, this is not something I would normally pay attention to, but my husband's students have sucked me into the "Most School Spirit" arena. And now I'm trying to suck you in as well.) So c'mon, people, vote for the Panthers, so we can be the champions, at least according to KIRO. (I really need to get a life . . . . )

Monday, May 12

Central Elementary - 1981

It really doesn't get much better than this. Classic early 80's hair, big toothy smiles, and the girl in the front row just kills me. Many thanks to Jay Schwartzmiller for this (can you spot him in the picture?). Others to look for: Kelly Diehl, Bart Minogue, Ryan Mills, Chris Field, and Nick Kester . . . . . . .who else do you see? (bonus points for the identity of the chick in the front row*)

Wednesday, May 7

Mrs. Raney's 5th Grade Class - 1981

Who needs a Where's Waldo book when you've got our cool blog? Here's Mrs. Raney's 5th grade class (Cathcart, circa 1981). Interestingly enough, Mrs. Raney is my daughter's 3rd grade teacher this year. Okay, see if you can find:
Wendy Walker, Mike Carpenter, Tammy Parker, and Tim Wegner (hint: nice glasses). Here's a helpful tip: click on the image to open a screen size version of the picture. Makes it a lot easier to find Waldo--er, I mean Tim.
I've got me a bee in my bonnet and plan to scan and post some SHS dance pictures soon. I know what you're thinking: teal and hot pink. Yep. It's time to unveil the bangs and many accessories of the 80's. Admit it - you can't wait.

Thursday, May 1

Registration Never Looked So Easy!

If you're like me, you will be tempted to wait until the last possible moment before digging through those old receipts and unpaid bills before finally locating that dog-eared reunion invitation. I'm here to save you from yourself (you can thank me later).

Why? Because early birds can get a discount, can sleep easier knowing they've secured their spot for the 1988 Snohomish Class Reunion, and will bring JOY to the hearts of committee members everywhere (you can put your hand over your heart if you'd like).

But wait, there's more! Here's the skinny on easy ONLINE registration:

1. Go to Reunions With Class website.
2. On the left side, click on the Reunions button.
3. Scroll down and click on Snohomish '88 link (I know. Duh.)
4. Scroll down and click on Reserve Now link.
5. After completing your reservation, go back to the link that says: Complete Your Memory Book Classmate Catch-Up Form! (there's got to be a shorter way to say that).

And voila! You're done. No last minute digging for you. Especially if you dig around NOW for old pictures to send in for the POWER POINT PRESENTATION. You can scan and e-mail, or snail mail them. E-mail me for more info: jenn at jenndoucette dot com.

And HEY -- there are only 88 shopping days until July 26th, so get going!

Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"