Monday, May 12

Central Elementary - 1981

It really doesn't get much better than this. Classic early 80's hair, big toothy smiles, and the girl in the front row just kills me. Many thanks to Jay Schwartzmiller for this (can you spot him in the picture?). Others to look for: Kelly Diehl, Bart Minogue, Ryan Mills, Chris Field, and Nick Kester . . . . . . .who else do you see? (bonus points for the identity of the chick in the front row*)


Unknown said...

Ok That chick in the front row is me Janine Lucero/Armstrong. Thanks Jen for pointing that out :) Thank goodness we get to grow up! ACK!

Jenn Doucette said...

Janine - you're a good sport! It's such an awesome picture . . . classic, classic!

Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"