Friday, May 23

Pictures Please, People

I know. You're busy. The thought of digging through musty old boxes and piles of papers for pictures just really isn't all that appealing. However, think how sad you'll be at the reunion, when we announce the power point presentation and YOUR PHOTOS aren't included. It's a frightening thought, is it not?

We have had some early participation. Special A+ stars go to:

Danielle Moore and Kristy Thomas . . . . . .

Jay Schwartzmiller and Kyriacous Tsircou . . . .

Kevin Phillips, Alan Davis, Shanon Ford . . . .

Oh, wait -- that's right, I submitted that last photo. Heh . . heh . . . I've got more where that came from, and I'm not afraid to use 'em.

Ante up, people. We're down to the last couple months and we need your pictures. Otherwise, we'll just have to use mine!

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Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"