If you're like me, you will be tempted to wait until the last possible moment before digging through those old receipts and unpaid bills before finally locating that dog-eared reunion invitation. I'm here to save you from yourself (you can thank me later).
Why? Because early birds can get a discount, can sleep easier knowing they've secured their spot for the 1988 Snohomish Class Reunion, and will bring JOY to the hearts of committee members everywhere (you can put your hand over your heart if you'd like).
But wait, there's more! Here's the skinny on easy ONLINE registration:
1. Go to
Reunions With Class website.
2. On the left side, click on the
Reunions button.
3. Scroll down and click on
Snohomish '88 link (I know. Duh.)
4. Scroll down and click on
Reserve Now link.
5. After completing your reservation, go back to the link that says:
Complete Your Memory Book Classmate Catch-Up Form! (there's got to be a shorter way to say that).
And voila! You're done. No last minute digging for you. Especially if you dig around NOW for old pictures to send in for the POWER POINT PRESENTATION. You can scan and e-mail, or snail mail them. E-mail me for more info: jenn at jenndoucette dot com.
And HEY -- there are only 88 shopping days until July 26th, so get going!