Thursday, January 31


Snohomish High is one of four schools on the docket this week on KIROtv for having most school spirit. Check out the website and vote!

[read an e-mail from Nick Trost from Kiro below:]

Hi, my name is Nick Trost and I am web content editor here at I am writing you today, to let you know that your school has been chosen to participate in this week’s “High School Of The Week” survey on

The purpose of this survey is to see which school in our area has the most school spirit. The school that wins will be featured on . If your school wins we will be sending a web videographer out to next week’s home basketball game to catch your school in action. Following the game, two videos and a slideshow will be posted on The videos will include game highlights and “fan cam” video where students have the chance to soundoff on why their school has the best sprit. The slideshow will consist of multiple images taken at the game to capture all aspects of your schools spirit.

All of the content we produce will be available for your school’s homepage to link to and will exist permanently in our system.

Please encourage your staff, students and parents to vote now!

Thank you and please respond to my e-mail if you have any questions. Go Team!


Monday, January 28

Kudos to Reunions With Class

Eleven years ago, I sat in on our first reunion meeting at The Berry Bowl Restaurant and listened as Shanon Ford proposed hiring a reunion company to help with our reunion. And I'll admit: I was more than a little skeptical.

Why would we need to hire someone to help us? What would they do that we couldn't do? How hard could it possibly be?

I've since seen the light. Organizing a reunion for a whopping 459 individuals and their families is a big, honkin' responsibility. One I'm more than happy to spearhead. But in case there are others out there who share my initial "huh?" response, I'll spell out a list of items that Reunions With Class takes care of for us:

  1. RWC provides a detailed notebook filled with a variety of responsibilities, suggested due dates, contact information for things like local parks, hotels, etc.
  2. They keep the committee on track, holds them accountible for specific tasks, and helps answer questions regarding these tasks.
  3. Help keep momentum going throughout the year prior to the reunion by staying in contact with committee chair.
  4. Locate classmates. This is the biggee. For every address or bit of information we send their way, RWC checks up and confirms through phone calls. They also keep a database for all contact information (with our help, they've currently located 406 out of 459 of our classmates - and they're still looking for the remaining 53).
  5. They provide access to their website with reunion information, classmate information, suggestions, etc.
  6. They offer reunion classes for committee members to attend, providing suggestions, tips, etc. for improving the event.
  7. They handle all negotiations with caterers, hotels, deejays, etc.
  8. They create and send out all communications about the reunion (snail mail invitations, e-mails, postcards, etc.).
  9. They keep track of all registrations and money (whew!).
  10. They are available for continual consultation/decision-making.
  11. They handle all deposits for venues, caterers, etc.
  12. They provide nametags for all attendees.
  13. They staff the actual event, help check-in all classmates, and make sure the event runs as smooth as possible.
  14. Coordinate a class picture, offer a memory book, and/or a program the night of the event.

Okay, I'll stop now. After helping out with the last two reunions, I've been very impressed with the staff at RWC and offer my kudos for the great job they do for us. Regarding price, I've calculated an increase of about $12-$15 per person more than if we tried to do it without them.

I think they're well worth every penny and can't imagine ever doing this without 'em. If you have any questions about RWC, go ahead and leave a comment or send me an e-mail.

As always, if you're interested in helping, just let me know!

Friday, January 25

Calling All Married Classmates

More specifically, those of you who married fellow SHS 88 grads. If you, or anyone you know, married their high school sweetheart, let me know. You can leave a comment here or e-mail me (jenn at jenndoucette dot com). I've got a few listed already, but want to make sure I don't leave anyone out.

And no, I'm not just being nosey. This really is reunion-related. Honest.

Tuesday, January 22

Motley Crew

I'm not actually referring to the band Motley Crue (I was of the Tears for Fears, Bryan Adams, and Chicaco fan base - you know, chick music).

The Motley Crew of which I speak refers instead to the attendees of our 3rd reunion committee last night. We met at the Flying Pig Restaurant and just about closed the place down - it was a lot of fun. Many thanks to the following: Bob Allen, Rob Shelley, Melissa (Harding) Mathewson, Nick Kester, Creighkett (Gilpin) Smith, Lisa Gable, Kerry Van Duren, and Wendy (Walker) Malgesini.

Among other things, we finalized the Friday Night (Classmates Only) Event location, no small feat, let me tell you. On July 25th, our reunion will commence with a casual get-together at the Buzz Inn Restaurant in Snohomish. More info will be forthcoming at a later date.

Keep an eye out for your invitation, should be coming sometime in February. We're still looking for help for a variety of minor jobs ranging from greeters, to decorations, to clean up, etc. Even if you can donate just a wee bit of time, please contact me (Jenn) and let me know.

Next Reunion Meeting: Monday, March 10th, 7:00pm at Buzz Inn (Snohomish).

Sunday, January 20

Cathcart Elementary School 1979

Members of the Reunion Committee will be putting together a slide show as well as some tri-fold displays to .. . uhm . . . display at the reunion. In case we don't feel old enough, gazing upon our youthful cuteness will get the job done.

If you are interested in helping with either of these projects, be sure to contact me: jenn (at) jenndoucette (dot) com.
We''ll need a boatload of pictures, so start digging through your old photo albums!

Wednesday, January 16


I spent about an hour on the list and found only one possibility of a match. Dane wilson possibly goes by Dane Reade and is an actor in LA somewhere, Possibly a lead role in a movie called Knight to F4. I'll keep working on what I can. R.Shelley


I obsess over Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and the gang as much as anyone else living vicariously through a cast of fictional characters escaping black cloud monsters, polar bears, and "the others." However, this go around, I'm not talking about the television show LOST. I'm talking about our own people. Out of 459 SHS 88 grads, we've located a whopping 415. (For those of you who struggled in Mr. Lucero's math class, that leaves a mere 44 yet to be found).

If you have any information regarding the following 44, (now I'm sounding like an episode of America's Most Wanted) contact Reunions With Class or e-mail me: jenn (at) jenndoucette (dot) com:
**indicates foreign exchange students

Bartholomew, Jodie Swartz
Belt, Tracy
Bulla, Heidi
Burmester, Nils **
Campbell, Carolyn
Castillo, Mircia **
Chiang, Chiu-Ping
Cooper, Jake
Cox, Jennifer
Denham, Denise
Dickerson, Dana
Dobson, Michelle Shanks
Elmer, Michael
Gal, Luis **
Hagan, Larry
Hall, Jason
Hodkinson, Julie Patchett
Hunter, Robin
Johnson, John
Johnson, Lane
Jones, James
Jones, Marcie
Jorgensen, Corey
Karamoutsos, Constadinos **
Lawyer, Shana
Ledbetter, Mitchell
Lindell, Thomas
Mansur, Antonina
Marsh, Joette
Morgan, Tanya
Moser, Colette
Norling, Sandra Neisinger
O'Hair, Elizabeth Ludvik
Ollis, Lori Wilcox
Reckard, Christopher
Smith, David
Smith, Michelle
Stone, Katheryn Robertson
Tabares, Laura
Van Proyen, Daniel
Waltmire, Tracy
Weisenburger, Troy
Wright, Jenette
Zimmerman, Dan

Monday, January 14


I really don't know how these things work, but I thought I would throw something in here. Well this is a picture of me and one of the Training burns I help organize. We actually got to burn down 2 houses side by side. On practice burns you get to go into the rooms in the house with couches, chairs, wood, pallets,etc. light them on fire and direct the Engine company extinguish the fire before the whole house catches on fire. It is a blast as well as dangerous training. You can get hurt very bad. People donate these houses and we have to get all kinds of things cleared to burn them. When the people donate these houses it is a cheap way for them to dispose of them. We do have to get cleared thru EPA. Any way this is what I have been up to for the last 8 years. I know it has been 20 years so I will tell which one I am. I am on the left. R. Shelley

Thursday, January 10

January Committee Meeting

The next reunion committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 21 at 7:00pm at The Flying Pig (2929 Colby AvenueEverett, WA 98201). This will more than likely be the location for our Friday Night/Classmates Only Event.

Even if you're not a committee member, you're welcome to come! Committee Members are:

Jenn (Egge) Doucette
Lisa (Jenney) Carlson
Brad McDaniel
Nick Kester
Sarah (Bohlke) Swanson
Kerry Van Duren
Lisa Gable
Melissa (Harding) Mathewson
Robert Shelley
Wendy (Walker) Malgesini

Come on in, the water's fine

Welcome to the Snohomish High School class of 1988 blog - a place to end up when you're tired of myspace and sitcom reruns. We hope you'll enjoy connecting with one another, finding out a little bit about each other before the reunion this summer.

As you can tell, we're still--ahem--under construction, but stick around, things are bound to get better. If you'd like to post, just leave your e-mail in the comments section, and we'll be sure to add you to the list. In order to ward off unwanted SPAM, make sure you use this format to leave your e-mail address:

jenn (at) jenndoucette (dot) com

Unless you'd like a barrage of advertising for . . . . er . . . .male enhancement products. Then by all means, enter it as you normally would. To each his own . . . .

Come visit as often as you'd like. We plan to update our reunion information as soon as we get it, including committee meetings (time, location, etc.) and current needs.

Only 200 days left til the BIG DAY - hope to see you there!!

Your 2008 Reunion Committee

Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"