Wednesday, February 27

Do You Have Skills?

Crafty skills, that is.

We're looking for a few good men, well women more likely, who are willing and able to help put together the memorabilia type decorations for the Saturday night event. I want to make sure my message is clear here: HELP!

This type of involvement can be done in the comfort of your own home, (heck, even in the comfort of your own bathrobe for all I care) but will also need to be started well ahead of time. We're not going to want to stay up the night before throwing together cool displays. If craftiness is your gig, please (PLEASE) contact Lisa Gable (gablelisa (at) asap.

For those of you who are more . . . craft-impaired, I urge you to send in memorabilia stuff to the craft team (pictures, copies of newspaper clippings, lettermen jackets, etc.) - the more the merrier. If we get too much, we'll let you know.

If you're worried about getting the originals back in less than stellar shape, go ahead and scan 'em first (highly recommended) and then send them to Lisa.


p.s. for those of you who don't get the Napoleon Dynamite reference, well, you're just going to have to watch the movie.

Monday, February 25

Show Me the Money

We're nearing the end. The end of most of the decision-making, that is (hallelujah). You should be getting an invitation in the mail sometime in the next couple weeks, sent via Reunions With Class. Please be aware of all the elements that go on with putting together a reunion and how difficult it is to make decisions that affect so many people. In other words: it ain't free. There will be a scholarship fund available to those feeling the financial crunch; conversely, there will also be an opportunity for others to contribute to said fund. As always, all things money-related will be handled by Reunions With Class and are completely confidential. Your committee thanks you in advance for your support, understanding, and attendance in July--a mere 5 months away!

Friday, February 1

Ye Olde Memory Book

I'm a sucker for sap (which is probably why I loved HSM). One of my favorite elements from our 10th reunion was the Memory Book offered by Reunions With Class. However, the committee would like to mix it up a little bit this time around.
You may remember some of the questions (ie: What was your favorite high school memory? What has been your greatest achievement? etc); this time we'd like to have a different group of questions.
As your committee, we'd truly love to hear back from you about your suggestions, recommendations about what questions to include. They don't even have to be sappy. If you've got an idea, leave a comment for us. And if you'd like to discuss the wonders of High School Musical, I'm all ears.

Favorite Ray Johnson Quote:

"Okay, Panthers, let's go out and make it a great day!"